(Use an Exposure Worksheet)
BEFORE exposure practice
- Identify ANXIOUS THOUGHTS / PREDICTIONS about the feared situation or sensation.
- Create ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVES based on your new understanding.
- Identify SAFETY BEHAVIOURS that you normally employ. (the practice will include dropping some of these safety behaviours)
- Create relevant FLASHCARDS and worksheets to help you.
- Troubleshoot any problems that could arise during the practice.
DURING exposure practice
- OBSERVE old unhelpful thoughts / beliefs / fear cycles in action
- APPLY your new understanding and skills.
- OBSERVE how does the degree of belief in the old thoughts change as you apply your new alternative perspectives and behavioural skills.
- Monitor changes in anxiety levels throughout the exposure practice.
AFTER exposure practice
- Record your findings in your Worksheet.
- Consider ideas for further exposure practice.
- Repeat daily until you experience minimal anxiety levels.