Robin Hall
Cognitive Therapist
Diploma in Cognitive Therapy from Belfast Cognitive Therapy Centre
Clinical work:
Belfast Cognitive Therapy Centre & Springfield Road Surgery, Belfast
Mindfulness Meditation
Taught Mindfulness Meditation at Belfast Cognitive Therapy Centre and takes private workshops. Has practiced Mindfulness for 30 years.
A PERSONAL MESSAGE – As a Cognitive Therapist I had a special interest in Panic Disorder. I suffered from very severe Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia for 5 years before I discovered the work of Dr Claire Weekes followed by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (after which I quickly recovered). It was this experience that led me to train as a Cognitive Therapist.
So believe me.. I KNOW how you are feeling right now.. but more importantly, I know how to help you overcome Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia quickly and permanently.
I don’t want to seem like I am making light of your present experience but the truth is that, once you know HOW, panic is actually very EASY to overcome.
I know it certainly doesn’t SEEM easy. Probably you have tried all the usual suggestions, relaxation, special diets, distraction, positive thinking and exercise and yet you are STILL stuck with the fear.
That’s because most people think panic is either a deep seated ‘emotional’ problem or else it is to do with ‘stress’ or ‘ill-health’. Panic is none of these things. Stress can LEAD to panic but we don’t panic because of stress, we panic because we don’t know how to deal with the extreme fear of the terrifying (but ultimately harmless) thoughts and sensations we are experiencing.
The theme that runs through our Recovery Program is this – “ONCE YOU LOSE YOUR FEAR OF PANIC – IT WILL STOP HAPPENING” – Our program will show you EXACTLY how to lose your fear quickly and easily.
I wish you well on YOUR journey to a FULL recovery!
Robin is a keen proponent of user-friendly Web based Counselling. He is also a professional cartoonist and Graphic Designer with an honours degree in Art & Design, an author of two books, and a web designer.
Main Clinical Disorders worked with
Depression, Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, Obsessional Compulsive Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety, Anger Management, Low Self Esteem, Health Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Relationship Difficulties, Bereavement

Caroline Stewart
Cognitive Therapist, trainer and supervisor
Caroline trained to be a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist in 2003.
She is accredited* with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapies (BACP) and is also registered with the UKCP and is a member of the Health Professionals Counsel (HPC)
Has many years experience working as a Cognitive Therapist working with the National Health Service and private sector
Belfast Cognitive Therapy Centre
Senior trainer. Senior Counsellor. Individual and group supervisor. Personal & Professional Development Group facilitator for trainee Cognitive Therapists.
Private supervision and workshops
Mindfulness Meditation
Trained in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy at Oxford University under Mark Williams
Runs regular 8 week Mindfulness courses in Belfast, UK
Works primarily with Clinical Disorders
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
Obsessional Compulsive Disorder
Social Anxiety
Anger Management
Low Self Esteem
Eating Disorders
Health Anxiety
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Relationship Difficulties
* Caroline is accredited with the BACP but has opted not to be a ‘registered’ member