Would you like to be FREE of Anxiety and Panic Attacks starting right from TODAY?
Don’t Worry!.. You are NOT ill… You are NOT going mad!
Would you like to just feel ‘NORMAL’, relaxed, easy going, able to go anywhere, do anything and to just feel GOOD inside, content, happy. FREE to live your life!
CBT is Clinically PROVEN to be THE most effective treatment in the WORLD for what is wrong with you.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) could help you get your life back on track in a very short time? CBT is a fast, effective, short term therapy. It is SAFE, natural, drug free and is fully endorsed by the MAJORITY of the World’s Health Organisations
“Based on the current available evidence, CBT is the psychosocial treatment that would be indicated most often for patients presenting with panic disorder”
Information for people with panic disorder or generalised anxiety disorder, their families and carers, and the public. “Psychological therapy: If you opt for psychological therapy, you should be offered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy”
“Evidence is accumulating that CBT may be more effective than medication in preventing relapse. A long term follow-up study of patients who had become panic free with exposure therapy found that 93% remained in remission after 2 years.”
“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most consistently efficacious treatment for PD, according to three meta-analyses” – “CBT showed the strongest ESs in both systematic reviews, and the greatest percentage of people who were panic-free at the end of treatment”
“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and other variants of behaviour therapy have been sufficiently investigated in controlled studies in patients with anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD to support them being recommended either alone or in combination with medicines.”
CBT4PANIC is a complete, FREE Online CBT treatment plan for anxiety & panic disorder created by professional CBT therapists
CBT4PANIC was created by a group of dedicated Professional Cognitive Behavioural Therapists and Psychotherapists with extensive training and years of expertise working both in the private sector and for the British National Health Service.
Studies show that Online CBT is just as effective as face to face therapy
So.. what’s in CBT4PANIC
Clear • Concise • User Friendly • Jargon Free • Humorous
“It’s like having your own private Therapist on call any time of the day or night!”
CBT can help people overcome severe anxiety and panic attacks in as little as 4 to 8 sessions.
We believe that CBT4PANIC will make you feel SIGNIFICANTLY better in just 4 WEEKS if you follow the steps carefully and put them into practice.