First of all CATCH your thoughts – They are probably spiralling out of control
Catastrophising – thinking the worst – bring that back
Ok- let go all over – feel your feet on the floor
shoulders relaxed – let go of your stomach muscles
feel your breath coming in and out with each breath
take just ONE deep breath and let it out slowly
this is fight or flight – u are in no danger really – it just FEELS like that
it is very scary but really u will be ok – this WILL pass
Stay with the practice
u don’t need to escape or get help – you will get through this ok
Your mind is on high alert because of fight or flight so you will be VERY scared
that is normal – its perfectly ok
it doesn’t mean that something is really goimng to happen
It is just a rush of adrenaline causing harmless fight or flight sensations
all the symptoms are common and harlmess
rapid heart beat, harmless – dizziness, harmless
extreme fear, harmless – tingling – all are very common symptoms of anxiety
this can only stay at a peak for a short while – it will pass – give it more time
again – feet on floor – let shoulders drop – go limp all over
let go TOWARDS all the sensations – let them be – it is just adrenaline
u don’t need to relax – u are in no danger
u don’t need to breathe deeply
u don’t need to fight the feelings – they can’t do u any actual harm
It’s understandable to feel afraid – the symptoms ARE scary – but they’re harmless
Stop stirring the pond – stop resisting – do nothing – wait – this WILL slow down
imagine all the adrenaline has been swirled up and is now slowing down – give it time
look around you – focussing on the sensations keeps them active
Look around you – look at an object – take it in – describe it slowly and carefully out
smile – breathe – let go – look around – listen to sounds
GROUND yourself BACK into your surroundings
feel the stability of the room – become steady with it
If the sensations rise up – go with it – its ok – this is normal
Adrenaline comes in waves – one minute u feel ok – then it builds again – LET IT
WAIT – Let go towards everything – smile
These feelings can arise out of the blue for no apparent reason – that’s ok
It can just happen – you are not ill – you are not going mad – this is EXTREMELY common
You are not alone in having this problem
The more you practice this way the less you will fear panic
and when you lose your fear of panic it will stop happening
just keep letting go – and letting go – wait – let it be as it is – let it pass
Listen to me carefully
the body HAS to return to normal if you stop adding more fear
The body is is simply responing to your fear of the sensations
Once you remember that the sensations are harmless the body will stop producing
Refocus your attention
What is your favourite film – seriously – what is your favourite film
How many colours can u see in front of you right now
wiggle your toes
feel your feet
feel the temperature of the room
let go stomach
go limp towards everything
the sensations are not everything – realise that – feel that
even though the sensations are strong you CAN be aware of the room
You CAN hear sounds
you CAN observe your breathing
a part of you is quite ok
That part is simply frightened of the sensations – that is all
but the sensations are JUST sensations
in reality you are OK – this will pass
a panic attack has NEVER EVER caused anyone any ACTUAL harm
They just FEEL very very scary thats all
Let go all over – feel feet on floor –
go limp – drop shoulders
relax stomach – watch the stomach rise and fall
bring your attention to your surroundings
Let the sensations continue – no need to stop them or resist them
u are in no danger
wait – this WILL pass
give it more time – even if it takes AGES – u are in no danger
sometimes it lasts longer than others – thats ok – no problem – let it take as long as it
your body is just trying to help – it has made a mistake thats all
let it know that there is no need for more adrenaline
its just fight or flight – no danger – no problem
Let go, let it happen – smile – let it get even worse – see what happens
ignore it – get on with your day – its just adrenaline – no problem – it will pass